Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Poem from School

Forth hour is Social Studies

Learning about lands, history, people, and other information

With Mrs. Kergelka


Then I have art,

Many interesting projects and creativity is shown,

Masks, landscapes, and many more.


Sixth hour is Language Arts

Writing and Reading all hour long

With Mrs. Ceaser


Then the final hour is…

Science! Journals, Tests, Labs and more

With Mrs. Fleming


Then get to the bus,

Before eight o five or risking, missing

The bus.




On a summer non-school day,

When I can have my way,

I stay in bed until ten.


When I finally I wake up,

I start to read my current book,

Losing track of the time.


Crapes for breakfast/ lunch

Thin pancake looking slips,

Worth all the time it takes to make.


After a while a bike ride

Is in order, one to two hours long,

Very refreshing!



--Camille Harrison--

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