Extreme Theater is a experience at my high school charter, where everyone that comes (in drama or not) are split into groups. Each group is given a phrase and a prop and have to create and complete a mini play within the next 24 hours.
I've never been in drama except for a few plays in middle school as chorus and participating in Extreme Theater the year before. This time Extreme Theater was not only in the spring instead of the fall, but we were competing with the testing of a new activity called Extreme Choir. Most of those who were in Extreme Choir would have been in Extreme Theater, but it was required for choir students to participate in the first Extreme Choir. I was told that in the future, the two events would be held on different weekends. In the meantime, Extreme Theater had smaller and fewer groups than normal, so most groups had only one writer instead of the two in the years before.
My group, was done both with our script and having lines memorized hours before the other groups, which had never happened in Extreme Theater before, so my group was pretty proud of themselves.
However, later when it was nearing time to preform, we had an increasing lack of actors and actresses, so my group unitedly decided not to preform our skit, which wouldn't have been as awesome without them. We supported our sick actresses and the other groups instead. Despite feeling only an ounce of disappointment at first, it just felt right.
But, on this blog is the script we wrote together. It's called 'Role Call.'
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