Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Semester finals are nearly done! For the Language Arts final, I submited an essay to http://billofrightsinstitute.org/Contest Everything went somewhat smoothly, everything considered.
I haven't posted in a while because I have busy preparing for these tough finals.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011


It seems when one is truly dedicated to do something, time flies. The end of the school week is here and I actually found myself disappointed that there is not school tomorrow. I'm trying to make an effort to go above and beyond what is required in the steps of learning that I might yield my education to my advantage. I used to limit my knowledge in the realm of books, well because I wanted fun books, I was uninterested in the realm in the classics. That has changed now - I am willing to read such books that contain so much knowledge to learn to understand. I'm trying to study classics now that I might become a better scholar, a better person.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Oh this is life written
That these pages shared
Contain true education

Little poem that just sparked that is written above.
I recently read How to Read a Book The Cure for the Common Education by Oliver DeMille and Brad Bolon. I would strongly recommend reading it for the scholar of any age or education. It might seem a cheesy title but within those pages writ is advice and the guide to learning of statesmanship. It's a really useful tool as well as being well written words to keep you from dieing of boredom that a long dull textbook might invoke.

The sprouting tree of education

School is here again and currently I am in the first week of limbo, but I cannot help anticipating the knowledge and understanding that I will gain through dedication. School will calm down after the first few days, already the quest for true knowledge and true understanding otherwise known as education is on...

I can't wait.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Life and School

I have two more days of school after this weekend. After that it's going to be an occasional summer school class, lots of reading, writing, and such. Whew.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Who knew?

Which Lord of the Rings character are you

Your Result

You are Eowyn!
You are a fair and beautiful soul that wants to be treated fairly along with the right to fight for the ones you love. You are a true leader that holds great respect and command. Your colors are pinks. You believe that men and women together can accomplish great things instead of just one or the other.

LOTR - Where in Middle-earth would you go on vacation

Your Result

The last homely house. With trees, hills, rivers and waterfalls surrounding you, you can spend as much time here as you want. The Elves that live in Rivendell are very friendly and will share their knowledge with you if you care to listen.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I learned something from my Finantial Literature teacher today. She basically said that if you have a complaint against someone else, double check yourself. Admitting what others do is easy, admitting who you are and what you do is harder.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life and School

I am so close, so close to achieving my goal now. All that I have is to finish writing a Report for history, cultural experience, Book commercial, and some other stuff. My report is due tomorrow.

I took the AP test. I am done. *sing* However I still have 3 projects in that class and 3 in history.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Life Today

*Growl* I am having a hard time finding sources for my Research Project. Super annoying. Anyway I have an AP Geography test this Friday. My Research Project is due next Thorsday and a Book Commercial in 2 weeks. School is busy, more so than normal, probably to keep our attention from drifting.
I do enjoy school and the discussions that expand my thinking, the challenge, and I really like the teachers.

I sometimes use http://www.studystack.com/APHumanGeography to practice my vocab.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


We, my family, went hiking in Utah canyon earlier today. It is a really beutiful place. I love trees, mountains, birds, and streams. Afterwards we went to discovery park. I wish I wasn't so tall so I could play in the fort too, but alas, I can't. Now we are at home, resting.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We did an example citations in Socratic Class and I really liked the one I did.

McCosker, Karen. Albery, Nicholas. Poem A Day. Hanover: Steerforth Press, 1994. Print.

"New Every Morning
Every day is a fresh beginning,
Listen my soul to the glad refrain.
    And in spite of old sorrows
        And older sinning,
        Troubles forecasted
        And possible pain,
Take heart with the day and begin again." (Pg 1)
                                     (Susan Coolidge 1835-1905)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

story cont. pt 14

“The supply packs are in the conference room. We will travel to a different station, but security is stronger at night and we want to avoid that. We will stay for the night.” Honde cheered at Mr. Marks’ words and dragged off a green Seamus who didn’t like space at all. Intrigued by the curious workmanship of the old sentry station, Roybin found herself exploring hidden passageways while her younger companions chatted and slept. Mr. Marks was in the control room, checking up on the old station.
            *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *          
“Master this is Bug #273 reporting in.”
“I told you never to contact me! Have you forgotten what Radio Silence is?!”
“Master, I have news.”
“It better to be good enough to save your neck. What worthless excuse do you have for disregarding the mission?!”
“While watching the apprentice, I found the heir’s trail.”
“There was an unexpected dilemma that I encountered.”
“What was it, singing mice?” the master asked sarcastically
“No, A human girl. At first it seemed she was lucky and only an informant.”
“Stop pausing, your neck is still on the line.”
“She was able to detect danger and is a dangerous enemy if provoked.”
“Was she one of the Cosmic Council’s agents? I take it then that you were unsuccessful fighting her, you Saur Sword, who used to be the best assassin. ”
“Strangely enough, no, she was not one of their agents but she reacted like one. And…” Bug #273 paused
“What?” the master growled, “The next time I see you, you are dead. Unless you unlikely manage to kill the heir and his friends by then.”
Saur Sword gave the equivalent of a gulp. “She took me by surprise.”
“How did she defeat you and your sword of all Bug?”
“With a um… Toilet plunger and toilet brush.”
There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone. Then the Master started to laugh, “Oh how the mighty Saur Sword has fallen. Either do yourself a favor and get killed or go after the heir. Do Not Fail. That is all.” The Master signed out.
Saur Sword was sweating, his doom was sealed.
            *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *          
Roybin was dozing in one of the hidden passages, when the station’s alarm went off. ‘Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert.’ It blared with such intensity that everyone was out of bed and awake in an instant.
“Where is the intruder? How many are there?” Mr. Marks asked the system
“Two, in the bay. Two  in the bay.” It told him. Mr. Marks raced to go there, unsheathing his ax.
Roybin raced along the passageway in the opposite direction. She had a sinking feeling as she approached the boys bedroom. She felt the evil’s presence once again. Roybin got there just as she heard a scream of pain. Wasting no time, Roybin threw open the trapdoor and jumped through it, while angling herself to hit the creature with her feet. It was similar to a wolf-bear, only with a sick feeling coming from it. The creature stumbled back from the force of the impact. Roybin had come with a weapon in hand this time. Among the hidden tunnels, Roybin had been drawn to, and found a hidden compartment where she had found a short sword/dagger knife. The hilt was a green with orange-red binding, giving the appearance of autumn styled weapon with little decoration. The sword was straight, thicker on one side and sharpened on the other. Roybin used this now, pulling it out of the sheath, and driving it into the wolf-bear. The wolf-bear howled as it writhed in pain. It stumbled out of the room right into the other assaisin, Saur Sword. In surprise Saur Sword, retaliated, pushing the beast forward. The beast leapt onto Roybin in fury and tackled her to the ground.
While Roybin was diverted Saur Sword aimed a poison dart at the heir also known as Honde. Honde was trying to help Seamus with his wound and didn’t notice. Fortunately, Seamus had noticed and pushed Honde out of the way. The dart grazed Honde’s right shoulder and imbedded itself in the wall. Honde cried out in pain. Seamus ignored his own leg wound and grabbed Honde and pulled him onto the floor as Honde became unconscious. Saur Sword was about to enter the room when the Wobe (Short for wolf-bear) went limp and Roybin pushed it off of her. Roybin looked up just in time to see Saur Sword’s sword above her head so she rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding death. Seamus saw Roybin in peril, but he couldn’t move. However, he wasn’t entirely helpless. At his side was a sandwich that Honde had not eaten. Seamus threw the sandwich at Saur Sword, who he had once worked by. Saur Sword saw the movement at the corner of his eye and turned straight into the sandwich which splattered all over. This gave Roybin enough time to stand up, before Saur Sword turned back, soaking in mustard, ketchup, and tomato. Furious, Saur Sword fought like the Wobe had. Roybin was hard pressed, but managed to get him to lose the sword for the last time. Saur Sword blinked and then fell onto her. Roybin pushed him off with disgust. Roybin heard heavy and hard footsteps approaching rapidly.
“Are you ok, boys?” Mr. Marks called out. To Roybin’s ears his boots seemed to screech to a halt as he had his first glance inside the room.
Mr. Marks rushed in after his initial moment of stopping. “Where are the boys? Are they ok?”
“We are over here, Mr. Marks.” Seamus called. “On the floor.”
“It is a good thing you are oka--!” Mr. Marks stilled as he saw their injuries.
“I’m ok, really.” Seamus said, “But Honde was nicked by that dart and almost instantly blacked out.”Roybin walked over as she heard the news.Roybin allowed him to take a few steps, to save Seamus’s dignity, but when he stumbled and then Roybin wouldn’t take no for an answer. Roybin had him lean against her, leading the stumbling hobbit out of the wrecked room.
“Take him out of this room” Roybin ordered, “I’ll help Seamus.” Mr. Marks gently lifted Honde and hurried out of the room.
Seamus said, “I can get up on my own.” and pushed, Roybin’s hand away. Roybin pulled the dart out of the wall and place it in a small glass bottle, which she corked and placed into a cloth bag and tied that securely. Seamus had actually managed to stand by pulling himself onto the bed and unsteadily stood, holding his hands against the wall.

Stories and U-tube

About my stories, I am going to change Honde from an elf child to a faerie (not to be confused with fairy.)And I might change Honde's name, any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


There is three more weeks before I have the AP Geography test. If anyone says its easy they either are misinformed or really like geography. *Sigh* At least once it is over, we can have fun until school lets out.
It is rally late but I finally got my Urban packet for Geography done. Now I just need math, science, and Deutsch done in school.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Delightful music--Links and you-tube

Traditional Irish Music.
Two Reels played by James Cullinane from County Clare. Recorded in 1988

story cont pt 13

“Are you okay?” Roybin hurried over and helped him up
“Huh, oh yeah, I’m okay, I just wasn’t expecting that.”
“How have you been?”
“Well, I guess you want to know where I’ve been, but I’m not sure you would believe it.”
“You would be surprised at what I would believe. Come on, let’s get out of here.” Roybin and Seamus left the laundry mat and chatted as they walked.
“Do you believe in aliens?” he asked
“That is the second time this week someone has asked me that.” Roybin chuckled
“Really? Well um, it is a long story, but the short version is that I got apprenticed to Earth’s agent of the Cosmic council.” Seamus announced.
“Cool, but what happened to Earth’s agent?”
“I am guessing you know something about the Cosmic Council, but Benny disappeared.” Shamus’s face fell and he tried to hide the tears.
Conscious that Seamus really didn’t want to talk about it, Roybin changed the subject. “Later I want to know how you became an apprentice but for now we need to hurry.”
“Hurry where?”
“First, to clean up so we can prevent some pursuers that might follow us. Second, to meet up with some friends.”
A short while later, Roybin and Seamus were on their way to meet up with Roybin’s friends, Honde and Mr. Marks.
“So how did you find clothes my height? Did you trim your brother’s clothes?” Seamus asked.
“Actually Jena and Luke, were over last week. You know them, they are Herbert’s younger siblings.”
“I’m wearing toddler clothes?! He’s grown a lot then.”
Roybin laughed, “Actually Luke is a first grader now, almost a second grader.”
“I am wearing a first grader’s clothes…that is kind of depressing.”
“You are still young. Eventually you will grow taller.”
“Not too much taller, I found out I am a Hobbit from my mentor.”
“Really! That is cool.”
“I found out that some live off planet but most still live on the Earth. They just stay out of sight of humans—Big folk they call them.”
“Hi Roybin! Who are you?” Honde asked as he came up.
“This is Seamus, an old friend. Turns out that he is the Earth’s agent apprentice.”
Honde looked suspicious, “I thought he was a loner.”
“Benny was kind enough to take me in when I was alone.” Seamus replied
“Benny? You called him Benny!?” Honde asked in disbelief
“Sure, why not? He never said he didn’t like it.” Seamus defended his mentor
Honde just shook his head saying, “Who would have thought?”
            *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *

“From one child to three children in a week.” Mr. Marks muttered to himself as he watched them. There was still a lot of time left before the moonwaves would be available to use. While they waited Honde befriended Seamus, who in turn taught him many games and made him laugh. Roybin watched them for a bit before fading into the trees. Mr. Marks caught sight of her a couple of times but she would disappear in the blink of an eye. Mr. Marks mused about each of the children in turn. ‘Honde, an elf child, was entrusted to my care until the council was free again. He refused to sit on the sidelines and be safer, Honde wanted to help free the council. Seamus was definitely a hobbit, older than his height and short but large eater. Like all hobbits, Seamus was full of surprises. I personally knew the Earth agent and was one of a few that would call Ben a friend and vice versa. I knew Ben was a loner, keeping to himself and a little stiff. It just seemed surprising that even a hobbit like Seamus could melt Ben’s distant heart. Seamus seems fiercely fond of Ben and was genuinely worried about his disappearance.  In the human world, Roybin was probably considered almost an adult, but to me, she is still very young. She seems unusual, in fact if I didn’t know better, I would think that…Nah it couldn’t be or happen. Impossible…and yet…’ Mr. Marks was interupted by a ball flying right above his head. Roybin winced from the tree above his head at the force of impact and that it nearly had hit him.
“Sorry.” Seamus and Honde chorused as Honde retrieved the ball.
Mr. Marks wasn’t entirely sure how to react so he raised his eyebrows and just then noticed the faint outline of the moon, “The moon is rising.” It wasn’t until that he had traveled to a dense part of the trees when he realized that Roybin wasn’t there. He turned around and asked, “Where is Roybin?”
“Right here. I’ve been near this whole time.” Roybin’s voice came from where he had just been. Mr. Marks whirled around and found her there.
“You walk as quietly and just like…” Mr. Marks’ voice trailed off and he did not speak again until they entered a small clearing. “We will not be followed from here.” He brought out a small rectangular device and pushed a button, “Hold on, everyone.” Barely a second later, the group arrived at an old orbiting station.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

story cont. pt 12

"Why'd we come here? Did you have laundry to do?" Roybin couldn't believe her ears, she knew that voice!
"Quiet, I smell trouble." Someone growled and Roybin tensed.
"I'm not that stinky am I?" The other voice teased, then muttered, "Sorry." a moment later
Roybin was hiding around the corner of a double stacked washer, she could hear their breathing. She took advantage of the quiet by going completely silent. She heard a light sniff, and footsteps coming closer. Then the stranger jumped. Fortunately it wasn't Roybin's row yet, but it soon would be. The stranger growled again and said, "Just stay out of my way, boy."
"Ok, ok." Roybin heard the boy back up. With her keen hearing she hear the faint drawing of a sword. Roybin didn't panic, yet. There was a rolling basket in the isle that she could push at him if necessary. It soon became essential because just then, the stranger rushed into her isle. Roybin caught the stranger by surprise who was hit fully by the cart. Roybin dashed by him before he could recover. She didn't expect him to recover so fast, she nearly got cut. The stranger was blocking the exit as he chased her. Roybin acted on impulse and ran into an open restroom where she found a toilet plunger and a toilet brush before the stranger burst in. Roybin managed to block the sword with the toilet plunger and brush thinking, 'If I wasn't doing this to save my life I'd be laughing hard that my life depends on a toilet plunger.' Some might call it luck that a beginner was able to deflect a sword but really it came from Roybin's Karate class that she knew some and improvised to fight this sword until her attacker lost hold of it. Roybin then knocked the guy out somehow with the toilet brush. Roybin circled him cautiously. Her attacker morphed into something else as she watched in horror. She stumbled out of the restroom backwards, afraid to turn her back on the thing. She closed the door and backed away. Just as she was far enough away to turn around, someone tackled her. 'I forgot about the boy.' she thought as she fell.
"Who are you?" The boy demanded, propably thinking she was pinned to the floor. Roybin was not pinned, in fact she twisted and rolled out of his hold. The boy was sitting on the floor, stunned. Roybin slowly stood against a washer.
"I know you." Roybin said
The boy looked confused, "I don't remember you. Where's Saur Sword?"
"The name fits the thing in there like a glove. I know you from school, but it's ok if you don't reconize one of your oldest best friends, ."
The boy still looked puzzled but then enlightenment dawned on him "Roybin?!"
"Yep. What are you doing here?"
"Saur Sword volunteered to help me find my mentor."
"I doubt that, I think he was ordered." Roybin replied
"What makes you say that?"
"Go check the restroom but be careful, Seamus."
Seamus got up and opened the door to the restroom. Inside the creature stirred, and Roybin noticed it. "Get away from the door and close it quietly." She instructed him and he managed to shake off his shock enough to do so. Just after Seamus closed the door, it hurled open, throwing Seamus across the room.
"I was hoping you wouldn't recover so fast." Roybin muttered
"YOU!" the creature screeched
"Yes me. Now what?" She asked, "More fighting?" but the creature slumped and collapsed on the floor.
Roybin went a tad bit closer to understand his mutterings. His mutterings began to get slower.
"Master says find the heir. Not so simple, they know about me and hide. Keep the apprentice occupied, don't alert or hurt him. Master... never... mentions..." The creature, Saur Sword, stopped talking. For a moment, Roybin thought he was dead, but saw a twitch in his hand and then he/it dissappeared.
Roybin heard Seamus groan, bringing her attention back to the present.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Homework. The required necessity that is like growing pangs, oh how it hurts. Patience is taken raw and is tried to be refined through the furnace and hammer. Patience for patience is also hard when you see the pile of trials to be gone through. Only when focusing on one small section at a time can you endure and accomplish work. Eventually one day, a piece of armor or part of a shield is built.
Finally. I have most of my homework done but I have some to do during school tommorrow. I hope I can endure for tommorrow and this week and this month.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

story cont pt 11

Roybin sighed, 'another day of hectic behavior.' she thought. Work was super busy and at home, Honde and Mr. Marks were hiding, staying out of sight and working on a plan to get to the council. Three days had passed since that night when Honde and Leon said they were aliens. She saw the truth of that statement the night before. Honde was really an elf midget and Leon (who was really the Mr. Marks that she had delivered pizza to) was a tall dwarf. Tonight they will be riding the lightwaves up to an abandened post. From there they would try and find a way to contact the council.
Finy's voice broke through Roybin's thoughts "Help needed at phones."
Roybin took the second phone and took the order. Almost immediately after the caller hung up, someone else called in.
"Hello this is Planet Pizza, may I help you?" Roybin asked the typical approach. She only heard a raspy hard breathing sound. "Hello?" Roybin asked and then the phone went silent. 'That was odd' she mused before taking another order. This voice gave her the chills but was at least ordering a pizza.
Herbert had just gotten back from delivering pizzas and so with his help, the orders were taken before any customers got mad and hung up. Then Roybin, and Herbert made the pizzas while Finy, their boss, manned the cash registor and counter. Once the pizzas were baked, Herbert left on the deliveries.
Roybin took over-time because she felt bad for leaving Finy in all this mess. Herbert didn't come back. Roybin delivered the other pizzas without the pizza car. Roybin became alarmed when she arrived back and he wasn't there.
"Hey Finy, have you seen Herbert?"
"Not since he went on his last delivery."
"That was awhile back."
"Maybe he ran into traffic, not everyone can deliver as speedily as you, Roybin."
"Perhaps." Soon the pizza place closed for a lunch break but Herbert still wasn't back. Roybin tried to convince herself that it was traffic and not evil assasins that had delayed him. Shortly after Herbert did come back.
"What took you so long Herbert?" Finy asked
"Traffic. There was a really creepy dude on my route too. I guess I lost track of time." Herbert said
'That's odd' Roybin mused, 'Herbert never loses track of time if he isn't sick, it's one of his quirks.'
As if sensing Roybin's thoughts, Herbert began looking at his watches, "Hey, my awesome The Force watch is missing! I'll look in the car."
'Herbert is acting very odd.' Roybin thought.
"I'll take the lunch break orders." Herbert suggested.
"Sure." Finy looked pleased, "It looks like he'll finally take his turn with those lunch callers."
Everything went smoothly for once until Herbert came back from another delivery and took a call. Roybin looked at him curiously, he seemed to go stiff. When he did nothing unusual, Roybin relaxed. 'It's simply an ornery customer' she assured herself.
However when the time came to deliver the pizzas Herbert pretended to have a hurt foot and arm. When Roybin asked 'What's wrong?' Herbert replied "I just don't want to go this round."
So Roybin shrugged and got in the pizza car. "After this I'm going home." Roybin delivered five pizzas before pausing in front of a house where she had an indescribable urge to skip it. So she did but when she delivered another pizza, she saw a black car following hers. She grew nervous, and after delivering the remaining pizzas, tried to get it off her tail. She managed to elude it, barely. She got back to the pizza place, said bye to Finy and headed home. The feeling of evil following her persisted. Avoiding areas where it could find Honde and Mr. Marks, Roybin walked all the way to the laundry mat where she hid.
For the first time, she had a glimpse of her pursuers.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

story cont pt 10

Roybin had packed a few sandwiches, just in case this took awhile. She jogged to the library, which was now closed. She could feel eyes on her again, and this time they felt menacing but didn't seem to be following her, to Roybin's relief.
Pretty soon Roybin was among the trees once again where she felt at home. "Hi Honde."
"Whoa...um." Honde's ears turned red.
Roybin thought it was strange that he went tongue-tied, but paid little attention to it. "So you wanted to talk to me?" she said.
"Um...yeah. Do you believe in aliens?" He blurted
"What? Depends." Roybin replied
"Depends on what?"
"Do you believe in aliens and what do you think they look like?"
"Yeah, I believe in aliens." Honde said.
"I guess I do. Why do you want to know though?"
"Can I trust you?"
"What kind of a question is that? Of course you can."
"Well, Leon and I are aliens."
"And you are in disguise?"
"Of course."
"Well danger follows our footsteps otherwise."
"So why are you telling me?"
"It's a long story."
"So are you really aliens as from outer space?"
"What do you need my help with?"
"We need to get to the council and stay alive."
"What council and how does it involve you and I?"
"The Cosmic Council. It basically a gathering of representatives, one from each planet. It's similar to a United Plants or Federation. There are those but the Cosmic Council was formed to fight against corruption, especially among themselves so it won't disintegrate so easily like other organizations. Unfortunately nothing is evil proof. There is a group that has a inside person but we don't know who it is. They have the Council under siege, proof that they have grown stronger. It is thought that they have a new driving force. Until the siege is lifted no one can leave or exit the council's building. The group has been tracking down those of us who can possibly be a threat. They've already neutralized or eliminated several agents throughout the galaxies.  Those agents weren't at the meeting because they had been investigating disappearing agents. I'm not an agent, but I'm highly involved with the council because my parents are on it. We need help." Honde pleaded.
"How do you know I can provide that help? Where is Earth's agent?"
"He's been compromised."
"Did you randomly pick me to tell your story to?"
"Something like that."
"You'll do it? Really?"
"Why not?"
Leon spoke for the first time, "The way is fraught with danger."
Roybin raised her eyebrow, "Life has danger. It doesn't have to have a face."

Friday, April 15, 2011

story cont. pt 9

Roybin no longer had the feeling of being followed, but Roybin was still cautious. From her younger years, Roybin pulled out several old fashioned alarms. All over her back yard she placed bells on strings, and trip strings stratigically. She even put them on the roof and chimney and every area that normal people aren't supposed to be. She was even more cautious of the front door, avoiding it whenever possible.
When her brother's friend asked her brother what she was doing he replied, "She's just nervous. Possibly for a date or something at work. No big deal. We just can't play in the backyard and trust me when I say don't ask."
Roybin calmed down by going outside and sat among very high branches in a tree. She rested until she fell asleep. She saw someone running, it was Hon! When Roybin called out to him, she heard a growl. Turning, she saw a wraith with a long sword sniffing, coming closer. Terrified, Roybin ran. Far ahead she saw Hon who now seemed unaware of the danger. Roybin tripped and woke up. It was evening, and time for her to get to the park.

story cont. pt 8

The feeling of being followed persisted throughout the day. I pretended to not notice but I got tired of that--fast. So I headed to my ambush site, which happened to be the library's trees. I hid in a tree and jumped when I heard movement below.
"Ouff!" someone said
"Hon! Why are you following me?" I demanded
Honde replied, "What are you talking about?"
"So you weren't--never mind. I'm sorry."
"It seems like we keep running into each here."
"Um..." Roybin blushed as she pulled him to his feet "Where's Leon?"
"He was here a minate ago."
"I probably startled him out of his skin, falling from the sky like that."
Honde chuckled, "Maybe."
"So where do you live?"
"Not far."
"How far is not far?"
On a whim I asked, "Did you forget where your house was? " I expected a laugh, anything but his completely guilty look. "You are joking right?"
He shook his head and said, "We just moved and they are on vacation."
"Don't your parents call or something?"
"No, my caretaker watches me."
"A caretaker? at your age?"
"I know it's unusual but he's cool." Hon shrugged
"And you are lost so where is he?"
"And how long have you been lost?" I asked
"Actually, for about a few hours."
"Well--Oh look there's Leon." Roybin said and knew she was missing something when Hon looked so relieved. "See you tomorrow then I guess."
"Actually can I talk to you later-today here?" Hon blurted, looking as if he had just riled enough nerve to ask for a date. He looked so hopeful that I had a hard time thinking of declining.
So I shrugged and said "Sure."
"Yes!" Hon leaped into the air. I am pretty sure that Leon and I had a similar expression of eyebrows-raising.

story start

  • One day, at your local public library, you are looking around the very back shelves. There is a particularly boring looking book there, but for some reason it catches your interest and you find yourself removing it from the shelf. However, as soon as you move the book, the bookcase opens in like a door, revealing a deep dark tunnel. Write this scene.

  • "Ok. I never expected that." Elana said


    If you are reading this, if anyone does, you can probably tell I like books based on my background. My taste buds are on the verge of a shift, if they haven't already. It shows by where I am in the library, but that might be because it has a small-ish (For a library) varity in books.
    School books usually don't catch my interest but I like several in my Socratic Seminar class. I didn't really like Dante's Inferno but it was fun to see my teacher make fun of Dante for fainting so often. That was back in 1st term and we are on to 4th already. We covered a huge scope of history- now we are on to the Holocaust/ WWII. For it we read Maus 1 and Maus 2. Each section usally had a book to go along with it. For example Things Fall Apart for Africa, and Pride and Prediguste for Aricultural and Industrial revolutions and All's Quiet on the Western Front for WWI. And so on.

    Story starters

    These are some really great story starters from my collection. And its while I'm listening to havoc stomp by Berin Stephens (who wrote The Dragon War Relic). I normally would think it strange and stranger that I'm listening to it but it's cool.

    • Write an episode where you and your favorite fictional character meet accidentally
    • One day, at your local public library, you are looking around the very back shelves. There is a particularly boring looking book there, but for some reason it catches your interest and you find yourself removing it from the shelf. However, as soon as you move the book, the bookcase opens in like a door, revealing a deep dark tunnel. Write this scene.
    • You often hear people say, "You'll never understand another person until you've walked a day in his or her shoes." Choose a fictional character and walk a day in his or her shoes. Now write about it.
    • You're out to eat a nice birthday dinner with your family when the waiting staff marches out from the back room with a cake. With everyone around singing happy birthday, you decide this is the moment to make that life-changing announcement you've been considering.   
    • You arrive at work to find all the items in your cube packed up in a box. There's no note and you have no idea what is going on. Write this scene
    • You're riding an elevator when the power goes out. The situation take a turn when the pregnant woman next to you goes into labor.
    • You're late for work because you overslept, but your boss hates over-sleepers. He does love entertaining stories, so create the most outlandish excuse as to why you were late.
    • A friend knocks on your door. Her father has had a heart attack and she must leave town immediately to visit—only problem is she needs someone to watch over her very unusual pet.
    • You're standing outside a restaurant next to a phone booth when, suddenly, it rings. Your gut tells you not to answer it, but with each ring you can't resist. Finally you pick up the phone—and end up having the most amazing night of your life.
    • Write a letter to yourself that you will open in six months. Include your current accomplishments and concerns, and remind yourself of one thing from today that you want to make sure "future you" does not forget.
    • One day you wake up to find your dog/cat waiting for you at the side of your bed, sitting on your briefcase. Cocking its head, it tells you, in perfect English, that you won’t be going to work today. Why won’t your pet let you go to work, and what happens?
    • The countdown clock for Christmas is ticking. Santa's elves begin working their magic on the assembly lines, but the line comes to a screeching halt when rumors leak that one elf is going to get let go that day.
    • You wake up shackled to a chair and can't remember how you got there. Two voices are talking. You recognize one of them.
    • You arrive at an annual Halloween party only to discover that someone else is dressed in the same costume as you. Bad things start happening to you throughout the night and you suspect this person has something to do with it.
    • You roll through your favorite fast-food drive-thru, order your usual and wait for the cashier to repeat it back to you. Only, he doesn't repeat it. Instead, through the speaker, you hear a very unsettling conversation.
    • When you were little, you could swear there was a monster under your bed--but no one believed you. On the eve of your 30th birthday, you hear noises coming from under your bed once again. The monster is back and has an important message to deliver to you.
    • Sum up your writing career in one sentence
    • Babies typically talk in babbles that adults can't understand. But one day, while at the park, you're sitting on a bench next to two babies. They start their babbling, when all of a sudden you realize you can understand them. Even more, they are plotting a nefarious plan. Write this scene.
    • You're a pizza delivery driver and it's your last stop of the night. The house is on an unlit, unfamiliar street. As you ring the doorbell, you're greeted by an unusual character who invites you in while he gets cash--and abruptly knocks you out cold. When you wake up, you're tied to a chair. What happens next?
    • Write a story about irony, with a teacher as the main character and a fuse box as the key object. Set your story in a lab.
    • Write a news story based on the headline: Local Beauty Lets Hair Down For Prince Charming
    • You finish filing your last report and you are ready to head home. As you reach for the office door, the lights go out. What happens next?”


    I think I'm finally over the worst case of the flu I've ever had. I just wish it didn't have to be over Spring Break. Somewhere I lost a Tuesday or Wensday. Today should be Wensday or Thursday but the calender says it's Friday.
    As for my story I might change the 'I's' to Roybin said or did. I do have more of the story I want to record.
    I seem to have a problem with contining my stories at a certain point without feedback and while haveing other story ideas as well and then having a hard time getting back to those stories because I grow older and that at the time I know where the story will lead but I have a hard time recording those thoughts and then I lose them.
    Anyway my blog doesn't contain much of my writings because, well I have a hard time recording thoughts and happenings. It does contain pieces of stuff I have written.

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    story cont. pt 7

    (I the author really dislike being sick.)

    I hurried back to Jena. I was sure I had seen and heard something, but I'll check later. In the meantime however, I needed to get Jena home. Jena didn't even notice my absense or my presense. She was so much like me, it would be hard to believe we were not sisters.
    It didn't take long to get back to her house. Herbert and Luke were still gone at the park and likely would be there for awhile. I had just finished making lunch when Herbert's parents came home. "Surprize!" They said.
    Jena reluctantly put the book down but she ran with eagerness into her father's arms. I noticed that Jena's mom's arm was in a cast but other than that, she seemed fine from the car accident.
    "Thanks for taking care of Jena." she told me
    "You're welcome."
    "And you made them lunch too? Thank you."
    "No problem."
    "Where are the boys?"
    "Still at the park."
    I began walking home when I had the feeling I was being followed.

    Thursday, April 7, 2011


    I was looking around and found some interesting sites but I'm only posting one

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    story cont. pt 6

    "I'm getting too old for this." Mr. Marks grumbled
    "Nonsense, when were you ever young?" Honde teased
    "I'll get you for that you young scamp."
    "I am a Scamp!" Honda grinned
    Mr. Marks scowled. "You better not enjoy this too much."
    "What? Me not making fun, you must have the wrong scamp." Honde handed the tall dwarf a belt.
    Mr. Marks glared at Honde, but put on the belt. There was a dim flash of light. Where Mr. Marks once was there was a dark cat, a black/redish color. However to Earther eyes, it would be black. Mr. Marks was still glaring at Honde though.
    Honde also put on a belt but the only thing that changed about him was his ears. They went from pointed to round. The buzz from the belt dies down and stopped.
    Suddenly they heard a twig break. They had time only to look before a Earther appeared. She looked puzzled for a second before she scanned the area.
    "Hello." Honde said
    "Hi." Looking slightly embarressed the girl continued, "My name is Roybin. What's yours?"
    "It's Honde." Honde stared at her 'She's the most beutiful Earther I've ever seen.' he thought "What are you doing over here?"
    She shook her head, "I um, like trees." She noticed Mr. Marks. "What is your cat's name?"
    "His name is Leon. He is his own cat though, not really mine." Honde said
    "Where are you two headed then?" Roybin asked
    "We were um just walking around." Honde thought quickly
    "Well I need to get going. See you around." Roybin said and quickly disappeared.
    Mr. Marks frowned in his cat form, "I've seen her somewhere before. She also came directly here, we would have heard her if she was just wandering around."
    "I'm pretty sure she wasn't an assasin." Herbe said
    "Yet you never know."
    "We could follow her."
    "Are you crazy?" Mr. Marks sputtered but his words fell on deaf ears. Honde was already following her.

    story cont. pt 5

    At the library Jena headed directly toward the fantasy section. I was in the young adult fantasy section browsing, when I noticed a bright flash of light outside.
    "Hey Jena, I'm going to go outside." I told her
    "Alreadly?!" Jena exclaimed
    "But I've only found three books so far!" Jena pouted
    I glanced at her books and a smile twitched at the corner of my mouth. Her books were novels and of a high reading level. Jena and I were quite similar. I normally would stay longer and get several books of the same thickness as hers. "I think you'll be fine for today. You can come back tommorrow to turn them in."
    I hurried her through the check-out line. "Can you wait here on the bench?" I asked her even though she was already sitting, starting a book.
    I now knew I hadn't imagined the flash, I could hear a very high pitched buzz. In the corner of the park there was a small grove of trees where it was coming from. I glanced around for some reason to make sure I wasn't being followed. Cautiously I entered the realm of the trees. My eyes were drawn to a certain spot.

    story cont. pt 4

    The next morning I rode my bike over to Herbert's house. Herbert's younger siblings, Luke and Jena raced to the door.
    "Hi Luke, hi Jena."
    "Herbert is still asleep." Luke annonced
    "Can you make us breakfast Roybin? We're starving." Jena begged
    "Herbert can't cook as well as you anyway." Luke pleaded
    "All right." I relented.
    "Horay!" they cheered Before I could change my mind, they grabbed my hands and pulled me into the kitchen.
    "What do you guys want?"
    "Muffins!!! The ones that are apple crumble!" They shouted
    "Good choice. It's easy, heathy, mostly, and super tasty." I approved
    By the time Herbert came downstairs, his brown hair tossled, everyone was already devouring the muffins with enthusiasim.
    "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thanks Roybin. You are a life saver!" Herbert said as he reached for a couple muffins. The phone rang as he was just was about to take a bite. Herbert sighed, looking longingly at the muffin as raced to answer the phone.
    "Hi Dad, how's Mom?"
    "That's Great! See you guys soon." Herbert put the phone back down.
    "Mom is going to come home around lunch time." He annonced
    "Yah!" Luke and Jena cheered.
    "So what are you going to do until then? You've got a few hours."
    "I want to go to the library." Jena said
    "I want to go to the park." Luke said
    "That's easy to do. We'll go to the library and then the park." Herbert looked relived
    "I was planning on heading over there as well." I said
    "You and Jena are such voracious readers." Herbert teased
    "And you and Luke watch too many movies and video games." I teased back.

    story continued pt 3

    I wonder if Herbert is as tired as I am. Probably. His siblings are extremely entergetic. He used to be like that once.
    I think I'm seeing things--I must be in one of my paranoid moods. I thought I saw something following me, but when I shook my head, it wasn't there anymore.

    story continued pt 2

    Behind the door I had left behind, Mr. Marks was conversing with another being, who was not an Earther.
    "Now we know."
    "How long do you think we have before being discovered?"
    "Not very long if an Earther can find us."
    "How are we going to hide now?"
    "I don't know Honde. I do know that if the assasins find us, we're toast."
    "I wish my parents could know I was alive."
    "The risk is too great." Mr. Marks cautioned
    "I know Leon, it's just an idle wish." Honde sighed
    "We need another way to hide."
    "Maybe if we blend in with the natives?" Mr. Marks sugested
    "We would need someone to explain how things work without us basically telling them we aren't human."
    "We can't contact the council to direct us to a contact."
    "It can't be a completly random choice."
    "We don't have to be humans."
    "I want to be able to eat human food though, it is some of the best in the galexy."
    "Ok, maybe we'll be in different forms?"
    "We still have to know what the forms look like and slightly alter them."
    "Yes, and to do that we can use the Eyespyder."
    "That's ok."
    "Not for me, it is really hard to asses character on camera."
    "It's worth a try though."
    "So long as I don't regret it."

    Es ist so toll. Owl City has great music including Fireflies.

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    A story pt 1

    "Thanks Roybin." Herbert said
    Roybin nodded as Roybin loaded the remaining pizza boxes. Herbert, a really great friend had to leave work early. Roybin was taking his load as well as hers. Roybin hoped his mom would be ok as she saw Herbert leave for the hospital. Roybin was pushing the speed limit but she managed to deliver rather quickly. Roybin was on her last delievery, but it was taking forever to find the place. Roybin nearly missed it but at last Roybin had found the tiny hole-in-the-wall house. It did seem to flicker but Roybin shook her head, thinking it was just her eyes. Roybin grabbed the pizza warmer that contained the last five pizzas. Either this Mr. Mark was a big eater or he was having a party Roybin thought as she walked up the steps. Roybin partly expected a crotchy old man because when she took his order he was really picky. After Roybin stood on the porch about to leave, the door opened. It was a guy who probably wasn't older than thirty. His height made her nervous. He was at least seven feet tall, nearly two feet taller than she was. Roybin swallowed and asked, "Are you Mr. Marks?"
    "Yes" His voice was deep enough for a drum
    "I am here to deliver your pizza."
    "Thank you."
    "Have a good day." Roybin said as she walked away.

    Just part of every day life

    Get up for school
    Race to classes
    Occasionally a fire alarm
    because of messed up wires
    Finish Homework

    Just a part of life

    Friday, March 25, 2011


    Is it better to say nothing than anything?
    What does 'I'm only human.' mean?
    What are questions?

    Awesome poem

    (Disclaimer I do not own any of this)
    All That is Gold Does Not Glitter by J. R. R. Tolkien
    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    part of an unedited story

    Arin woke up, and realizing what she had dreamed about, looked around for a book, but there was nothing. She then realized that she had dozed off in the library. Oh no! The festivities were starting today and she had dozed off! Arin remembered and scrambled to get out of the library. She hurriedly flew to the courtyard outside by hopping through an open window and flying swiftly downward.

    It was almost too much to take in, even though she had seen the festivities before it never failed to captivate her with awe at all the magic that was used. Fortunately, the festivities were not completely set up, meaning she still had a little time. She hurriedly got to the practice stands.

    [LH1]   “Where have you been?” Tate asked.

    Arin scowled, her blue eyes flashed as she muttered, “I dozed off in the library.”

    Tate stared at her for a bit, and then broke out laughing.

    Arin almost snapped at him but instead she grinned. She picked up a staff and threw it at Tate, who barely caught it just in time. He raised an eyebrow. “Getting better with your temper I see and making good use of it.”

    “Well let’s get a little combat in before they finish setting up.” Arin ignored him and said, “Duel, Match!” which started the battle. This was merely a friendly battle, where, as fairies, they exercised and warmed up for the battles activities ahead.

    The festivities were a sight to amaze. There were bright colors galore. Even without magic, it would be a sight to astound. Bright colored streamers rained down from the magical clouds lined in silver that glimmered and had tints of light blue within it. Everywhere it was colorfully and expertly designed to the last detail. There were all kinds of activities going on. There were baker stalls and exotic goods and games and entertainment.

    Arin strolled onto the platform that was the stage, turning into a squirrel (She could still fairy-speak if she wished.) “Come one come all. Here we have practiced a few tricks that will amaze you. For example, opps where did my tail go, it was here a minute ago!” she started to look for it and when she turned around the crowd gasped, her tail was indeed gone, but she still was a squirrel! “Now where is it, I was so sure that it was here.” Then a floating tail came up behind her and said

    “Here I am!” the tail squeaked. The crowd was a little taken back, surprised the tail could talk without a mouth.

    “What do you think you are doing Tail! We are supposed to show our tricks not hide and wait for the act to end!” Arin then started to chase ‘her tail’ all over the stage. The crowd began to laugh.

    “Wait a minute; I’m supposed to be tailing you, not the other way around!” The crowd laughed harder as the ‘tail’ chased Arin around the stage.

    “I’m supposed to be telling a tale, Tail! So let me have my tail back or you have to grow another squirrel because I don’t like a tail that argues!” Arin chased the tail around once more and when Arin and the tail passed by a screen, Arin yelled, “I got you.” She then waited a moment and then walked back into full view, clearly having her own tail back. “Now before I was interrupted, I was going to show you some examples of the practices we’ve been doing.” The crowd gasped with shock, and Arin saw the problem as she turned around. “Ok, whose tail is that, because it definitely isn’t mine. Everybody, check your tails, if you aren’t seeing it come on up.” Some of the fairies actually made sure it wasn’t theirs, mainly the younger shape-shifting ones, but a few others also had. Arin scowled at the tail, “Now go find your person!” The tail went into the crowd and picked one of the youngest fairies there and followed him. The younger fairy ran from the tail. “It looks as if the tail has found his person!”

    The younger fairy yelled in a panic “It’s not mine, I checked!” That set the crowd off chuckling.

    The ‘tail’ came onto the stage looking dejected. “Oh cheer up. You’ll find your person eventually. Now before I am interrupted again, on with the show!” Arin was being chased offstage by the tail. Laughter followed.

    The curtains closed and opened again revealing a curious scene. There was a sign on the side that announced the upcoming events on the stage. There were stories, a Talent Show, break time and Announcements. The narrator of the stories was a friend of Arin’s named Teller[LH2]  whose talent was Storytelling. All of the young creatures were captivated, hardly daring to stir afraid of interrupting.

    Arin whispered to Teller after one such story, “One of these days you are going to have your own stage here or join the Storyteller Masters or even the Storyteller Elite.” The Storyteller Masters were a group of mystical creatures who loved storytelling and acting and had decided to share their talents with others. It had different groups because membership was growing. A few groups were for those who wanted to see other planets, others for Mystical Havens, but there was an even better group called the Storyteller Elite.

    Teller smiled his sweet smile slowly and said “Not quite to elite status yet. I still have a little ways to go but thanks for the complement. Now you are needed onstage for the next scene.”

    Arin was late for the next scene but she made it up to the crowd by acting as if she had planned to be late. Quickly she changed into a squirrel backstage. She hid behind the screen and started crawling out from behind it pretending that it was of the uttermost impotence and that it was a secrecy mission. The crowd was staring at her not sure what to make of it. She hid in front of a desk and leaned against it. She whispered to the crowd “Shh, the tail might find me if we don’t keep our voices down. The next scene is a new talent. Then the next scene is the one you’ve been waiting for. It is the Talent show.” The crowd gave a cheer. Arin hushed them, “Now the next one is someone who is very shy, we’ll have to be really quiet as she does her first act, as it is her first time. As such she has elected to remain anonymous until later tonight.” A small fairy peeked out of the curtain. She slowly came out onto the stage with a couple music flutes; with one that looked like a penny/ Irish whistle and one that was made out of wood and looked like a Y. She handed Arin the Irish whistle and took her position in the middle of the stage. Arin began to play a simple and yet beautiful melody. After the intro, the small fairy began to rise into the air. With her eyes closed, the small fairy danced and played a more complex melody, weaving it into Arin’s melody. Hardly anyone breathed as they watched the small fairy and were lured into the spell of mystical music. After a bit Arin let the fairy do a solo without the fairy realizing it. Then at the end she joined back in. When they ended it seemed that the music drifted on the wind for a bit. The crowd was awe struck; the music was superb even by high fairy standards.

    “Give our fellow fairy a round of applause.” Arin asked. The crowd gave a roar of approval and there was a lot of whistling, cheering and clapping.

    When the other fairy left the stage and the crowd’s noise was lowered, Arin said, “And now for the long awaited Talent show!” The crowd cheered. “And then we will have intermission for 4 hours. So for those of you who have chosen to stay and enjoy our show, you may also enjoy the fair, get food and have fun!” A few fairies turned otter came out doing back flips and juggled, then came 2 fairies turned into swords, and the entire group that had a part came out, did a trick and then waited for their turn backstage. The ‘tail’ had spotted Arin and chased her during some of the breaks between parts and Arin and occasionally the ‘tail’ had a turn announcing who was next. At one time, Arin fought one of the sword fairies with her own sword.

    Finally, at the end Arin said “It is break time, mystical creatures! Wow! There was a lot of talent shown today. Give the volunteers a round of applause!”

    After the applause died down, “Don’t forget to see the show after intermission! We might have some repeats along with contest winners and other announcements.” Arin dismissed the crowd.

    During break time Arin ate a couple of glazed blueberry scone/ biscuit and a piece of four-layer-decant-desert. She also played games, dueled, and got a few useful items. When Arin came back to the stage about an hour before it was to start again, she finished eating another scone. Tate was practicing on his archery skills. Arin decided to join him.

    “Hey, Tate! How was the fair?” Arin asked him as she strung her bow.

    “Fine I guess.” Tate said distractedly as he shot two arrows at the same time. Arin practiced with her bow and arrows for a bit before moving on to slingshot and then throwing daggers and javelins. She was so good that she had to move the targets back until they were far in the distance. She continued at it until a bird with silver wings tapped her on the shoulder. I know that bird! Arin thought and turned around. There stood the girl who had so amazed the crowd with her singing and dance ability. Her name was Tania[LH3] . She was blind but her hawk, Silver, the silver-winged bird that never left her side, was her eyes.

    “What’s up?” Arin asked as she put the weapons away.

    “I was just wondering, how do you get on the stage and perform the way you do?” Tania asked, “I’m nearly terrified to go up on it. I don’t know what the crowd will think.”

    “I used to be the same way. I was terrified to perform in front of large groups. I overcame it by getting to know a lot of people and what they thought of my performance and putting myself in situations that I had to talk or lead people. You have some amazing talent and you astound and amaze and awe the crowd.” Arin replied, “However I don’t think that anyone that knows me now would ever agree that I was even remotely shy.”

    Tania chuckled, “You’re right there. To anyone you would seem an outgoing, enthusiastic, friendly fairy. So what are your plans for after tomorrow?”

    “After graduation and I get my first wand? I really don’t know yet though I am leaning toward going on a quest.Once I get used to my wand that is.” Arin said.

    “Hey Arin, the show is about to resume.” Tate hollered by the stage.

    “See you later, Tania.” Arin said before she flew off.

    The ‘tail’ chased Arin (as a squirrel) onstage. Then Arin started chasing it and caught it! She shook it and presto! The ‘tail’ turned into another squirrel! It was Tate! Cheekily he bowed and said, “Hope you’ve enjoyed the show. Next up is the contest winners and other announcements.” He rolled out a long scroll and then chucked it, “Don’t need this. For the best Musical talent I have ever heard… Drum roll please” Tate paused, drawing out the suspense, “Tania!” 

    Tania was shocked; she had thought her performance good but not the best. She managed somehow to get up on the stage and say while dazed, “Thank You.”

    “For the best storytelling I have ever heard…” Tate continued, but a young fairy rushed on stage and shouted,

    “Teller!” and the crowd all cheered and chuckled.

    The squirrel whispered in the young fairy’s ear, who was probably 4 at most. The young fairy nodded and said in the most solemn voice a toddler could make, “For the best acrobatic skill …” and the awards went on. Arin slipped backstage. Later she slipped back on when the awards were done.

    “As you may know announcers get chosen by the previous announcers and [JS4] help choosing from the head master. This year’s was me, Arin and Tate. The next years announcers will be …” Arin paused, “Tania and Teller!” The crowd roared with approval. Sometimes announcers were chosen for their outgoingness but sometimes they were picked so that they could overcome their fear talking in front of crowds so that they could be better leaders and fairies in the future. The evening faded into night. The night sparkled with a million twinkling stars. Arin went to bed, content.

    School schedule
    Socratic Seminar- Awesome
    Algerbra 2
    AP Geography- Interesting and a lot of work
    Finantial Lit- Plenty to learn

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Aqua Soldiers
    A war poem
    By: Camille Harrison

    Waves of soldiers come crashing,
    Breaking at the shore.
    Collision is inevitable
    Between torrents of power.
    Orders from the peak
    Cascade down to the individual drop,
    Who, separated from calm lakes,
    Are put through rapids of trial.
    Left behind on sodden fields,
    Rivers of soldiers spill.
    There, many a life and limb,
    Are irreparably torn.
    None leave dry,
    From the ravages of war.
    Once they were an ocean.
    Once, but no more.
    Now they are but a trickle-
    Only a trickle
    Drips home.

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Breathe Deep Seek Peace
    Big Sigh
    And I

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Ein Liedchen (A little song--German) Can anyone guess the song?

    Es regnet, es regnet.
    die Erde wird naß,
    bunt werden die Wiesen,
    und grün wird das Gras.
    Es regnet, es regnet.
    die Erde wird naß,
    wir sitzen im Trocknen,
    was schadet uns das.