“The supply packs are in the conference room. We will travel to a different station, but security is stronger at night and we want to avoid that. We will stay for the night.” Honde cheered at Mr. Marks’ words and dragged off a green Seamus who didn’t like space at all. Intrigued by the curious workmanship of the old sentry station, Roybin found herself exploring hidden passageways while her younger companions chatted and slept. Mr. Marks was in the control room, checking up on the old station.
* * * * * * * * * * * “Master this is Bug #273 reporting in.”
“I told you never to contact me! Have you forgotten what Radio Silence is?!”
“Master, I have news.”
“It better to be good enough to save your neck. What worthless excuse do you have for disregarding the mission?!”
“While watching the apprentice, I found the heir’s trail.”
“There was an unexpected dilemma that I encountered.”
“What was it, singing mice?” the master asked sarcastically
“No, A human girl. At first it seemed she was lucky and only an informant.”
“Stop pausing, your neck is still on the line.”
“She was able to detect danger and is a dangerous enemy if provoked.”
“Was she one of the Cosmic Council’s agents? I take it then that you were unsuccessful fighting her, you Saur Sword, who used to be the best assassin. ”
“Strangely enough, no, she was not one of their agents but she reacted like one. And…” Bug #273 paused
“What?” the master growled, “The next time I see you, you are dead. Unless you unlikely manage to kill the heir and his friends by then.”
Saur Sword gave the equivalent of a gulp. “She took me by surprise.”
“How did she defeat you and your sword of all Bug?”
“With a um… Toilet plunger and toilet brush.”
There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone. Then the Master started to laugh, “Oh how the mighty Saur Sword has fallen. Either do yourself a favor and get killed or go after the heir. Do Not Fail. That is all.” The Master signed out.
Saur Sword was sweating, his doom was sealed. * * * * * * * * * * *
Roybin was dozing in one of the hidden passages, when the station’s alarm went off. ‘Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert.’ It blared with such intensity that everyone was out of bed and awake in an instant.
“Where is the intruder? How many are there?” Mr. Marks asked the system
“Two, in the bay. Two in the bay.” It told him. Mr. Marks raced to go there, unsheathing his ax.
Roybin raced along the passageway in the opposite direction. She had a sinking feeling as she approached the boys bedroom. She felt the evil’s presence once again. Roybin got there just as she heard a scream of pain. Wasting no time, Roybin threw open the trapdoor and jumped through it, while angling herself to hit the creature with her feet. It was similar to a wolf-bear, only with a sick feeling coming from it. The creature stumbled back from the force of the impact. Roybin had come with a weapon in hand this time. Among the hidden tunnels, Roybin had been drawn to, and found a hidden compartment where she had found a short sword/dagger knife. The hilt was a green with orange-red binding, giving the appearance of autumn styled weapon with little decoration. The sword was straight, thicker on one side and sharpened on the other. Roybin used this now, pulling it out of the sheath, and driving it into the wolf-bear. The wolf-bear howled as it writhed in pain. It stumbled out of the room right into the other assaisin, Saur Sword. In surprise Saur Sword, retaliated, pushing the beast forward. The beast leapt onto Roybin in fury and tackled her to the ground.
While Roybin was diverted Saur Sword aimed a poison dart at the heir also known as Honde. Honde was trying to help Seamus with his wound and didn’t notice. Fortunately, Seamus had noticed and pushed Honde out of the way. The dart grazed Honde’s right shoulder and imbedded itself in the wall. Honde cried out in pain. Seamus ignored his own leg wound and grabbed Honde and pulled him onto the floor as Honde became unconscious. Saur Sword was about to enter the room when the Wobe (Short for wolf-bear) went limp and Roybin pushed it off of her. Roybin looked up just in time to see Saur Sword’s sword above her head so she rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding death. Seamus saw Roybin in peril, but he couldn’t move. However, he wasn’t entirely helpless. At his side was a sandwich that Honde had not eaten. Seamus threw the sandwich at Saur Sword, who he had once worked by. Saur Sword saw the movement at the corner of his eye and turned straight into the sandwich which splattered all over. This gave Roybin enough time to stand up, before Saur Sword turned back, soaking in mustard, ketchup, and tomato. Furious, Saur Sword fought like the Wobe had. Roybin was hard pressed, but managed to get him to lose the sword for the last time. Saur Sword blinked and then fell onto her. Roybin pushed him off with disgust. Roybin heard heavy and hard footsteps approaching rapidly.
“Are you ok, boys?” Mr. Marks called out. To Roybin’s ears his boots seemed to screech to a halt as he had his first glance inside the room.
Mr. Marks rushed in after his initial moment of stopping. “Where are the boys? Are they ok?”
“We are over here, Mr. Marks.” Seamus called. “On the floor.”
“It is a good thing you are oka--!” Mr. Marks stilled as he saw their injuries.
“I’m ok, really.” Seamus said, “But Honde was nicked by that dart and almost instantly blacked out.”Roybin walked over as she heard the news.Roybin allowed him to take a few steps, to save Seamus’s dignity, but when he stumbled and then Roybin wouldn’t take no for an answer. Roybin had him lean against her, leading the stumbling hobbit out of the wrecked room.
“Take him out of this room” Roybin ordered, “I’ll help Seamus.” Mr. Marks gently lifted Honde and hurried out of the room.
Seamus said, “I can get up on my own.” and pushed, Roybin’s hand away. Roybin pulled the dart out of the wall and place it in a small glass bottle, which she corked and placed into a cloth bag and tied that securely. Seamus had actually managed to stand by pulling himself onto the bed and unsteadily stood, holding his hands against the wall.